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Golden High Flow Medium 118ml

Golden High Flow Medium 118ml

Regular price $18.95 AUD
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A liquid medium useful for extending colours, decreasing gloss and increasing film integrity. Useful for blending with Golden Fluid Acrylics to decrease the gloss, without increasing viscosity.

We generally do not recommend using Airbrush Medium with the pre-made GOLDEN Airbrush Colours because this creates a very slow drying, potentially weaker paint film, with poor frisket performance (colour sticking to frisket or masking films) until the film sufficiently dries. When frisketing is of critical importance, use Golden Airbrush Transparent Extender to dilute the Airbrush Colours or other acrylics.

This Transparent Extender is recommended whenever a mixture requires Airbrush Medium additions greater than 2 parts medium to 1 part paint. This will yield a paint system that dries quickly, “friskets” well, and has excellent sprayability.

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