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Faber Castell Polychromos Wooden Box 72

Faber Castell Polychromos Wooden Box 72

Regular price $329.50 AUD
Regular price $329.50 AUD Sale price $329.50 AUD
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White, Cream, Light yellow glaze, Cadmium yellow lemon, Light cadmium yellow, Cadmium yellow, Dark cadmium yellow, Dark chrome yellow, Cadmium orange, Dark cadmium orange, Scarlet red, Pale geranium lake, Deep scarlet red, Middle cadmium red, Permanent carmine, Dark red, Magenta, Madder, Rose carmine, Middle purple pink, Pink madder lake, Light magenta, Red-violet, Crimson, Purple violet, Mauve, Delft blue, Dark indigo, Indanthrene blue, Helioblue-reddish, Cobalt blue, Ultramarine, Light ultramarine, Skyblue, Phthalo blue, Light phthalo blue, Bluish turquoise, Prussian blue, Cobalt turqoise, Light cobalt turqoise, Cobalt green, Deep cobalt green, Dark phthalo green, Phthalo green, Emerald green, Light green, Leaf green, Pine green, Juniper green, Olive green yellowish, Earth green yellowish, Chrome oxide green opaque, Earth green, Medium flesh, Light flesh, Cinnamon, Pompeian red, Venetian red, Sanguine, Burnt ochre, Naples yellow, Dark Naples ochre, Green gold, Raw umber, Van Dyck brown, Burnt siena, Walnut brown, Warm grey V, Warm grey II, Cold grey II, Cold grey IV, Black
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